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Virtual packages can be launched with the following arguments (case insensitive). Replace "AppName.cameyo.exe" with your virtual package's executable name:
•-Stop: stop and remove virtual application (1.55 and higher)
Terminates virtual application's currently-running processes.
Example: AppName.cameyo.exe -Stop
•-Remove: stop and remove virtual application
Stops and removes the virtual application and its local data from the machine.
Can be used with the "-Confirm" modifier, to request user confirmation.
To remove only the virtual registry, you can specify -Remove:Reg
- AppName.cameyo.exe -Remove
- AppName.cameyo.exe -Confirm -Remove
•-Exec: execute an application from the virtual package context
Executes a command from the virtual application's package.
If no full path is provided (i.e. "skype.exe"), the entire virtual package tree will be searched.
A number such as "#1", "#2" can be specified to execute the first, second etc. item from the package's autolaunch menu.
- AppName.cameyo.exe -exec "%Program Files%\OpenOffice.org 3\program\scalc.exe"
- AppName.cameyo.exe -exec scalc.exe Parameter1 Parameter2
- AppName.cameyo.exe -exec #1 (executes the first item from the package's autolaunch menu)
- AppName.cameyo.exe -exec regedit.exe (opens the registry editor in the context of the virtual package)
- AppName.cameyo.exe -exec cmd.exe (opens a command-line box in the context of the virtual package)
Old syntax (pre 1.6): AppName.cameyo.exe "-exec:%Program Files%\OpenOffice.org 3\program\scalc.exe"
•-Integrate / -FullIntegrate: integrates applications registered associations & shortcuts (1.6 and higher)
Integrates the application's registered extension associations. For example: double-click handler for .PDF files, in case of Adobe Reader.
Integrates the application's shortcuts into the real machine. For example: Start menu & Desktop shortcuts.
These items will be unregistered when the application is remove using the -Remove command.
-Integrate and -FullIntegrate are similar, except that -FullIntegrate first copies the virtual executable locally before performing the registration.
To perform integration for all users (rather than just the current user), -AllUsers can be specified before the -Integrate / -FullIntegrate parameters.
To undo integration, use -Unintegrate.
- AppName.cameyo.exe -Integrate
- AppName.cameyo.exe -AllUsers -Integrate
•-Troubleshoot: generates a troubleshooting log for virtual applications that fail to run
The log generated by this parameter should be sent to cameyo @ cameyo.com to troubleshoot virtual applications that fail to run. When you send the log, please specify in the subject "Troubleshooting log". Also, please provide a direct link to the installer of this software.
•-Jumpto: explore the application's virtual repository
Opens a Windows Explorer window onto the application's virtual repository directory .
Advanced commands:
•-CreateShortcuts: create a shortcut for each of the application's start menu
If you wish to have standalone files that start the application with each of its start menu items, this parameter creates a link for each of the application's start menu entries. These links are created in the same directory as the virtual application's executable.
•-Repackage: integrate the application's data storage into the virtual executable package (1.55 and higher)
Takes all the deployed files and data from the local file system back into the virtual application package.
This is useful if you want the virtual package to always include the files and data as they are currently on the machine.
•-Patch: update the virtual package with an installer / patch (1.6 and higher)
Performs an installation / patch in the context of the virtual package, and repackages the result into AppName.virtual.new.exe.
Note: 32-bit packages can only be update on 32-bit machines.
- AppName.cameyo.exe -Patch "C:\SomeDir\Patch.msi"
- AppName.cameyo.exe -Patch "C:\SomeDir\Patch.exe"
- AppName.cameyo.exe -Patch "C:\SomeDir\Patch.exe" Parameters
Expert commands:
•-Break: breaks the virtual package into its different components (1.55 and higher)
Breaks the different virtual package components into sub-directory "AppName.virtual.break"
•-Unbreak: unbreaks the virtual package (1.55 and higher)
The opposite of the -Break command. This command takes the components from the sub-directory "AppName.virtual.break" and puts them back together into AppName.cameyo.exe.
This command is for very advanced users; you should never have to modify the ZIP or DB components, as they are tied together. Inconsistency between the ZIP contents and the VirtFiles.db can cause the virtual package to misbehave.
•-ChangeEngine: change Engine (1.6 and higher)
Changes the virtual package's engine with another version. This is usually useful for updating an existing package with a newer Cameyo version's engine.
Example: AppName.cameyo.exe -ChangeEngine C:\NewCameyo\AppVirtDll.dll
Tip: You can achieve the same result by dragging & dropping the wanted AppVirtDll.dll over the Package Editor's window, while the package you want to update is being edited.
•-ChangeLoader: change Loader (1.6 and higher)
Changes the virtual package's loader with another version. This is usually useful for updating an existing package with a newer Cameyo version's loader.
Example: AppName.cameyo.exe -ChangeLoader C:\NewCameyo\Loader.exe
•-EngineVer: display engine version (1.6 and higher)
Example: AppName.cameyo.exe -EngineVer
•-Info: display advanced package info, useful for troubleshooting (1.6 and higher)
Example: AppName.cameyo.exe -Info
•-ProcessList: display list of running virtual apps and processes (1.8 and higher)
Example: AppName.cameyo.exe -ProcessList
•-Properties: display list of running virtual apps and processes (2.5 and higher)
Allows running virtual package with a modified set of properties. The syntax is:
AppName.cameyo.exe -Properties:Property1=Value1[,,Property2=Value2,,Property3=Value3]
The separator ",," allows specifying several properties, while authorizing single-comma to be specified within values.
- AppName.cameyo.exe -Properties:BaseDirName=C:\Apps\MyApp
- AppName.cameyo.exe "-Properties:AppID=New application ID,,Expiration=31/12/2012"
•-ExportProperties / -ExportAllProperties: exports package properties (2.6 and higher)
Exports package's properties to an XML file.
-ExportProperties excludes properties which are specific the package: AppID, Build, BuildUID, CloudPkgId, EngineVersion, FriendlyName, Publisher, Version, Shortcuts. Hence it is useful for exporting properties from a package for re-importing them to other packages using Cameyo.exe -ImportProperties (see Packager command lines).
-ExportAllProperties saves all package properties, including build-specific identifiers. It is not recommended to later re-import these properties, as they include application-specific and package-specific items that should not be applied to other packages.
Example: AppName.cameyo.exe -ExportProperties:C:\Properties.xml
Note: you can define a default settings template for new packages you create, by placing such XML file in the same directory as Cameyo's Packager.exe and naming it DefaultProperties.xml.
Modifiers (used in combination with other parameters, must be specified first):
•-Quiet: quiet mode, no output (1.6 and higher)
Example: AppName.cameyo.exe -Quiet -Remove
•-ErrorsOnly: errors display mode, no output except for errors (1.6 and higher)
Return values
0 indicates success.
All other values indicate failure. See the SDK's APIRET_ return codes for more detail.
Environment variable: CAMEYO_BASEDIRNAME=C:\SomeDir
Can be used to change the default "VOS" storage location. This can be useful for example for specifying a local directory instead of the users profile in a domain setup.
Note: CAMEYO_BASEDIRNAME is only taken into account if the application's data storage location is set to (Default). Otherwise it is ignored.
Example (batch file):
set CAMEYO_BASEDIRNAME=%ExeDir%\settings1