Virtual package properties

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Virtual package properties

Cameyo virtual packages contain properties which determine their behavior. These properties are changed by the Package Editor. They can also be changed manually using the -SetProperties command line (see Packager command lines).

Here is a description of these properties:


General properties:

AppID: virtual application ID. This is what defines the virtual application's "bubble". Two packages with different AppID can run side by side. Two packages with the same AppID are considered as an update of one another, other when launched.

VirtMode: virtualization mode. Either "RAM" or "Disk" (default is "RAM").

IsolationMode: isolation mode. Can be "Data", "Isolated" or "FullAccess". Exceptions can be specified on the folder / file / registry key / registry value level through sandbox configuration.



BaseDirName: storage path. Default behavior is: if running from hard drive: "%AppData%\VOS\%AppID%". Otherwise, if running from removable drives or cloud drives such as DropBox, storage dir is: [executable name].data

DataDirName: different path for the "CHANGES" sub-directory. Default: [BaseDirName]\CHANGES.


Startup menu:

AutoLaunch: executable command that gets launched when the virtual package is executed. This property can encapsulate several auto-launch entries, separated by ";" in which case a launch menu will be displayed when the package is launched. Each auto-launch entry can contain additional (optional) information in the form: "Target>Arguments>Name>Description". For example, the following string will start a launch menu requesting the user to choose between Word and Excel: "%Program Files%\Office\Winword.exe>>Word;%Program Files%\Office\Excel.exe".

AutoLaunchAlwaysAllowed: when this value is equal to "0", the "Always launch this program" checkbox will be hidden from the startup menu.


Advanced properties:

StopInheritance: child processes to exclude from virtualization, separated by ";".

StartingDir: starting directory.

AutoUpdate: URL to auto-update server.

EnvVariables: environment variables for the virtual application, in the syntax: "MYENV1=Something1". Several environment variables can be entered, separated by ":==:". For example: "MYENV1=Something1:==:MYENV2=Something2". "%ExistingValue%" can be used to refer to the environment variable’s existing value, if any. For example: "PATH=%ExistingValue%;C:\AdditionalPath".

VirtMachineName: machine name to simulate to the virtual application.

VirtUserName: user name to simulate to the virtual application.

RegMode: when set to "Extract", forces virtual registry to be extracted and redirected to HKCU\Software\VOS\[AppID]\Registry. When empty, virtual registry will not be stored on the HKCU registry hive at all (except on XP and during UAC process elevation).

ExecWait: defines whether the loader (the .cameyo.exe process) should exit immediately after it starts the virtual app, or whether it should wait for the virtual process to finish and only then exit. This is useful for scripting, when you need to wait for the actual application process to finish its work. Value can be one of the following: "None": the loader quits immediately after running the virtual app process. "Always": loader waits for virtual app's process to finish. "CmdLine": loader waits only if the package runs a command line argument using the -exec parameter. "AutoLaunch": loader waits only if the package is used without a command line argument (without the -exec parameter).


Expiration properties:

TtlDays: number of days before expiration.

TtlResistRemove: "0" or "1" (default: "0"). Defines whether the above expiration mechanism should resist application removal + re-installation or not (=lost the expiration counter once the application is removed).

Expiration: expiration date in format: dd/mm/yyyy.


Custom events properties (please use Cameyo -AddScript command):

Custom events can be defined using the following syntax: command>parameters>[wait]. "wait" means that the application's process should wait for the script to finish execution. For more details, see Custom events (licensed versions). Several custom events can be entered for the same event, separated by ";". Custom event properties are named as following:










Troubleshooting properties:

LegacyReg: "0" or "1" (default: "0"). Defines whether to force virtual registry to go into the registry's HKCU\Software\VOS\AppID\Registry key (the default behavior under XP and for UAC-elevated programs).

EarlyInjection: "0" or "1" (default: "1"). Turns on or off an advanced mechanism that loads the virtualization engine very early during a process runtime, and which is relevant for Disk virtualization mode only.



Most properties are optional, and leaving them empty keeps the default behavior.