Environment variables

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Environment variables

Configurable variables:

Starting from Cameyo 2.0, you can configure any of Cameyo's INI settings from environment variables, using the "CAMEYO_" prefix.

For example, tu customize the "BaseDirName" INI setting (which controls the path of the virtual repository), you can set the environment variable CAMEYO_BASEDIRNAME. You can of course use Cameyo's Path variables.

As another example, if you would like to change the "AutoLaunch" INI setting (which controls the autolaunch / menu displayed when the virtual app is launched), modify the variable CAMEYO_AUTOLAUNCH.

The same goes with package expiration, custom events, as well as all other INI settings.


Example (batch file):

set CAMEYO_BASEDIRNAME=%%ExeDir%%\mypath

set "CAMEYO_AUTOLAUNCH=%%Program Files%%\Soft1.exe>>First menu item;%%Program Files%%\Soft2.exe>>Second menu item"


Note: the "%%" are .BAT file's syntax of representing a single percent ("%") character.


Read-only variables:

When virtual applications execute, Cameyo places certain environment information into their environment variables, prefixed with "CAMEYO_RO_PROPERTY_" ("RO" as in "read only"). This is helpful for obtaining information about virtual apps from scripts and automation tools:

CAMEYO_RO_PROPERTY_VIRTUALAPP: this variable is always set to TRUE, to indicate that the application is currently running virtualized.

CAMEYO_RO_PROPERTY_APPID: the application's unique identifier (AppID)

CAMEYO_RO_PROPERTY_CARRIEREXE: the complete path of the virtual app's launcher executable.


Example values: